Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cannes Fetish

The other day I was working on a photo shoot for a friend. As we were shooting the shit between models he showed me some photos David Lynch had recently taken. Actually it was a collaboration between Christian Louboutin and Lynch; Louboutin designed the shoes and Lynch shot images of models wearing the shoes. The project was called "Fetish."

Later that week I was checking in with my facebook account, yes I have one, and I got a request to become a fan of the Cannes Film Festival. I opened it to find the poster, which appeared to be an image taken from David Lynch's "Fetish" shoot. I did a little research and it was indeed a Lynch image. While the connection between the two events was never made it's undeniable.

Kudos to Lynch for getting paid for the same creative work twice.

PS: I love the fact that Lynch can make cheesy black bar glasses a profound statement about censorship.

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